Opportunities & Events
FALL 2024:
- Thanks to all who attended. “How to Work for an International Company”. Part 1 of a Two Part Series! Plus we will be hosting a BSME alum who is currently working in the UK-details are forthcoming!
- Those interested in the Japanese Business Culture are invited to attend the VIRTUAL JBusiness Forum on Nov. 22nd. Free and open to all students. The theme this year is Global Talents in Japanese Employments. 3:30-5:00 pm
- This Friday, Nov. 1st, our in-person mock interviews for juniors & seniors. Virtual interviews set for Friday, Nov. 8th. Thanks to all those who have already signed up! Hope folks can join us for spring 2025!
- WE Engage will be hosting a Women’s Luncheon for our STEM majors. On Friday, Nov. 1st. Thanks to our industry supporters Corning & Terracon for making this event possible! Information on this event can be obtain by contacting Ms. Yolanda McIlwaine or Dr. Rachael Ohu
Thanks to all who attend, our annual fall College Connection Day event. Details can be found on our Connection Day link.
Reminder: students we will be using Niner Engage to market events. Your one-stop-shop for the latest details.
For more information about the College of Engineering events, contact, Linda Thurman, (704) 687-5024.