Opportunities & Events
Spring 2025:
- Career Center’s STEM Job Fair is set for January 30th. Learn more at: career.charlotte.edu
- E-Week Kicks off February 17th! Lots of great employer activities planned. Students be sure to check your email and NINER ENGAGE for details! Such as:
- Our Employer-Student Roundtable Discussion set for Feb. 19, 2025, @ 4pm 150 Atkins
- BSME Alum, Josh Rivera will speak to our students from the UK about his experience working abroad! Yes, you can work outside of the US!
- Our Professional Development course will be hosting Mock Interviews again this March 28th. (Virtual and In-Person) on the same day. FREE to participate and we need 40+ representatives to help us out. If you are interested, please reach out to Linda Thurman. Thank you so much for your support for this junior/senior level educational activity!
Reminder: students we will be using Niner Engage to market events. Your one-stop-shop for the latest details.
Fall 2024 (it’s a wrap!)
- Be sure to check out our “News” page for our 12/6 Sr. Design Expo Information!
- Thanks to all who attended. “How to Work for an International Company”. Part 1 of a Two Part Series! Employer-Student Roundtable Discussion set for E-Week. (Feb. 19, 2025, @ 4pm 150 Atkins)
- HUGE thank you to all those who participated in our Friday, Nov. 1st, in-person mock interviews for juniors & seniors and our Virtual interviews that were completed on Friday, Nov. 8th.
- WE Engage hosted a Women’s Luncheon for our STEM majors. Thanks to our industry supporters Corning & Terracon for making this event possible!
Thanks to all who attend, our annual fall College Connection Day event. Details can be found on our Connection Day link.
For more information about the College of Engineering events, contact, Linda Thurman, (704) 687-5024.