Opportunities & Events
Spring 2025:
- Thanks to all who attended the 1/24 presentation on the Energy & Utilities industry by our very own, BSEE & MBA alum, Sean Cooper, PE! Look for them to be at the 1/30 job fair! Hiring over 50 folks in the near future! Various positions in engineering and technology.
- Career Center’s STEM Job Fair is set for January 30th. Learn more at: career.charlotte.edu
- 1/30 @ 5:15 pm. Once again, our long-time supporters, Fontaine Modification will be hosting a free Dinner & Learn for interested students. This event is filled at this time. Students attending should look for an email from Ms. Thurman or look in Niner Engage as the details are posted there!
- E-Week Kicks off mid-February! Lots of great employer activities planned. Students be sure to check your email and NINER ENGAGE for details! Such as:
- 2/12 @ 12:15-1:00 pm, Virtual, Top Advice for Women Engineers on Forging Your Own Path with Newell Brands
- 2/13: International Career Panel: The Office of International Programs is sponsoring an International Career Panel. Participants will gain insights into developing an action plan to pursue work in an international field.
- 2/19 Columbus McKinnon Information Session, Career Center Classroom (150 Atkins) 12:15-1:15 pm
- 2/19 Our Employer Panel Discussion on “Working for an International Company in the US & Abroad” set for 4:00 pm ZOOM ) Open to all majors and students interested in gaining insight into these companies. Participating companies/panelists and key details in Niner Engage
- 2/20 @ 12:30 pm, BSME Alum, Josh Rivera will hold a Zoom Session for all interested students and majors, discussing working in the UK (which he currently is doing) and general advice on how to work abroad! Use above Zoom Link to join, no rsvp needed. Details in Niner Engage
- Our Professional Development course will be hosting Mock Interviews again this March 28th. (Virtual and In-Person) on the same day. FREE to participate and we need 40+ representatives to help us out. If you are interested, please reach out to Linda Thurman. Thank you so much for your support for this junior/senior level educational activity!
Reminder: students we will be using Niner Engage to market events. Your one-stop-shop for the latest details.
For more information about the College of Engineering events, contact, Linda Thurman, (704) 687-5024.